Sponsor FAQ


Q: What does sponsoring an incubator entail? 

There are a variety of ways one can sponsor an incubator depending on how you would like to participate. We have partners who can sponsor the entire incubators or those interested in supporting the incubators through in-kind donations of goods and services. Including, but not limited to: camera package, production equipment, facilities, production services, post-production services, etc.


Q: What kind of content will be created with through the incubator program? 

A: The project or content developed is dependent on the needs and interests of the sponsor. We have a variety of incubators that a sponsor could support and to various capacities. The NALIP team is willing to explore a variety of platforms and genres. 


Q: How invested will we be in the evaluation process and communication of the selected filmmaker? 

A: A sponsor can be as involved or uninvolved as their needs are, these arrangements are determined as an incubator and partnership are developed. 


Q: How long is an incubator program? 

A: Incubators can total up to a full year of engagement, pending on the established needs and agreement of the particular incubator. A more expedited process is available.


Q: How do I sponsor an incubator? 

If you are interested in sponsoring an incubator, or would like to schedule a call to further discuss possiblities, please reach out to [email protected]

If you are interested in joining us as partners through other means, please contact [email protected]